Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Christmas Decoration

Thought I'd better show a picture of the new Christmas Decoration now I have a sample made up...let me know what you think. They are available to order at SM Charming Gifts x bbl x

New Ideas

Today I have been doing some sketching....am trying to come up with some designs for some Christmas Decorations. I made some Personalised one last year but was never 100% happy with them so I've come up with a new design, will hopefully have some samples made by the weekend.....The latest batch of custom orders are finished and ready to deliver. So am going to have the rest of the day off and spend some quality time with my kids......might even try and fit in some housework while I'm at it ;) bbl x

Sunday, 26 September 2010

Sunday Morning

It's 8.30am on a Sunday morning.......and I'm up and about, my mind is buzzing with ideas for the new day. Have thought of a way to use some of the beads that get left behind......my odds and ends box will come in useful today. As well as that I'm concentrating on Earrings, need to fill 2 display stands before the "sale". I'm not a big fan of making earrings...not sure why, you'd think being one of the quickest items to make I'd love them lol. Also on the agenda today is trying to get the kids to tidy their room, that just might take up most of my time!! It's probably easier for me to step in and do it for them.....but i will not give in ;). I have enough trouble keeping my workspace tidy. lol. Speaking of  "the" workspace heres a picture of it (thankfully you can't see the overflow in the cupboards ;) ) I took it this morning before starting because by the time the end of the day comes you won't see any of the desk!! Enjoy your Sunday bbl x

Saturday, 25 September 2010

Trying a Blog?

Ok...thought I would give having a blog a go, am a bit of a techno phobe with stuff like this so you'll have to excuse any mistakes I make ;). My Webshop has been up and running for about 3 months now and it's going ok. I am in the process of working toward my first christmas fayre. I'm looking forward to it but must admit to being pretty nervous lol. Am working on a theme for my table display...am thinking of going all black with mirrors. The childrens jewellery range seems to be going well have had a couple of custom orders for bits and pieces so I'm really happy with that. Have posted a couple of pictures one from the Mummy and Me collection and one from the Childrens Collection. Anyway time to get busy again before the kids come in . bbl x